Saturday, March 16, 2013

Laundry: esp. the stuff you can't dry

I'm used to having my washing machine and dryer in our family's utility room. It's no biggie to wash clothes. You put the clothes in the washing machine, pour the detergent that in kept in the cabinet above the machine, close it, and push the button. When the cycle finishes, you put the clothes that can be dried in the dryer and hang the others up on the rack behind you. I was folding my clothes the other day when I first realized that laundry is going to be very different in college.
For one thing I'm going to have to pay to use the washing machine! I remember my parents sending my sister rolls of quarters, but I never actually considered how different that is. Whenever I want to wash my clothes, I'm going to have to search through my things for some change, and as someone who normally doesn't use cash, this may be a problem. I'm going to have to get a piggy bank or something...
Next, the laundry room is not part of my house, which has two huge consequences. 1. I cannot just bring my clothes to the utility room whenever I want and deal with them later. I have to plan out when I have time to go wash my clothes because it will most likely involve lugging my laundry bag down a flight of stairs along with my detergent and whatever else I may need because there's not a convenient cabinet full of laundry essentials at my disposal at college. 2. There's not a convenient drying rack. What do I do with all my clothes that I can't just toss in the dryer? Do I have to carry my dripping wet clothes on their hangers back up the stairs and hang them on a towel rack in the bathroom? This is actually a question that I don't know the answer to, and I will let you know when I do. This may not be something many people consider before going to college, but this is a predicament I am sincerely worried about...

143 more days... Until then keep calm and boomer sooner!

1 comment:

  1. It is hard to get used to not having a washing machine! I lived in dorms and apartments for a long time and always had to go to the bank to get rolls of quarters. I would carry my wet clothes up to my apartment in the laundry basket, and then hang them up. ;)

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