Thursday, March 21, 2013

A note to parents and how senior year feels

"Are you excited about graduating?"
"It depends on the day."

People don't seem to understand what I mean when I tell them, "it depends on the day." I really do mean that it depends on the day. I'm supposed to be excited and overjoyed that I'm finally moving on to be independent, but oftentimes I'm not. It's terrifying.
I've gone all my life under the constant supervision and protection of my parents, and now I'm just going to go be independent. That's scary. My dad is the micromanaging type of parent. My life IS his life, especially for the last 6 years since my sister graduated. There are some pros and cons to being micromanaged all my life. Pro: I know all the right things. My dad has made sure that I know what I'm supposed to do and when I'm supposed to do it, who I'm supposed to talk to and what I'm supposed to say, what I'm supposed to wear and where I'm supposed to be, etc. I know all the right things, and it's definitely helped me to succeed in my life so far. Con: He's not going to be there to micromanage me any more. Although he's equipped with all the right knowledge, I'm now going to have to remember what and when, who and what, and what and where all on my own. I'm going to have to wake up, dress myself, feed myself, and take care of myself without anyone there yelling at me constantly to straighten up and get things done. There's no one there micromanaging me to make sure that I don't screw up. I have to make sure that I don't screw up all on my own. That's freaky. That's a lot of responsibility to take on suddenly.
Here's my recommendation to all you parents out there (since I know at least 90% of my readers are parents... which I'm totally okay with... recommend me to your friends;), micromanage the heck out of your kids through elementary and middle school. This way they get the healthy habits and the know-how instilled in them at an early age. Plus, they'll also get the notion that you really do know everything from basic arithmetic to trigonometry, from how to suck up to teachers to get good grades to how to be a leader in school, and from how to put together a rush packet for sororities to how to apply for scholarships. When you micromanage, it shows us that you know everything. However, when your kid reaches high school, slowly start to back off a bit. Obviously, they still need you to hover over their shoulders to some extent, to ensure they're still doing their homework, making good choices, etc., but by backing off, you're transferring some of the responsibility to your child. Now, when they go to college, they won't suddenly be handling things on their own for the first time.
This is what gives me my anxiety. I went to the dentist today, and he told me that I shouldn't have as much damage as I do from grinding my teeth until I'm around 25 or so at the earliest, so yeah... there's that. Don't get me wrong though. I am very excited for college, and with some help from my friends and family, I think I'll be able to get along just fine.
It's a complicated emotion that I have towards everything right now. It's like when you realize for the first time that the boy you've been crushing on forever likes you back. You're really excited because it's mutual and whatnot. However, you're worried because you thought that he would never like you in a million years, and you're not sure how everything is going to work itself out. College is my newly discovered mutual crush, and I'm freaking out because it's like he just asked me out (admission). I'm worried about how the relationship is going to work out, but if I give it some time, I'm sure everything will work out (at least until we have a mutual breakup and part ways in 4 years). And that's why you're hear, reading (and recommending to your friends) my blog: so you can be the bestfriend that I always gush to about the relationship. Thanks for listening to me gush <3

139 more days... Until then keep calm and boomer sooner.

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